Java Recursion MCQ Questions and Answers

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Java Recursion  MCQ Questions and Answers

Java Recursion  MCQ Questions and Answers
Java Recursion  MCQ Questions and Answers

1) Recursion in Java is a way of calling the method from within the same method. State TRUE or FALSE.



C) -

D) -

Answer [=]  A

Explanation: Yes. It is called recursion when you refer to the same method.

2) Check the below code and state whether it is called Recursion in Java?

void methodA()




void methodB()






C) -

D) -

Answer [=]  B

Explanation:  No, not at all. In the above code, the first method calls the second method and the second method calls the first method.

3) Java uses ___ type of memory to implement Recursion.

A) Heap

B) Stack

C) Register

D) None

Answer [=] B

Explanation:  Yes. Java uses Stack type memory to implement Recursion.

4) Java uses Stack type memory instead of Heap type memory in implementing Recursion because of ___ feature of STACK.

A) FIFO (First In First Out)

B) LIFO (Last In First Out)

C) Round Robin

D) None

Answer [=] B

Explanation: Recursion unwinds and completes all methods from the latest to the oldest. So, it requires the LIFO strategy offered by Stack memory.

5) Recursion in Java applies to ___.

A) Constructors

B) Variables

C) Methods

D) Blocks

Answer [=] C

Explanation: Recursion works only with methods.

6) Uses are Recursion in Java are___.

A) Traversing folders and files on a disk

B) Traversing the nodes of a Binary Tree

C) Evaluating Nth order equations and Factorials

D) All the above

Answer [=] D 

7) Which is better in terms of memory utilization Recursion or Loops in Java?

A) Recursion

B) Loops

C) -

D) -

Answer [=] B

Explanation: Loops or iterations are better memory-optimized than Recursion technique that solely depends on the Stack memory.

8) Which is the common problem with Recursive methods in Java?

A) StackOverflowError

B) IndexOutOfBoundsException

C) OutOfMemoryError

D) None

Answer [=] A

Explanation: StackOverError occurs when the stack has been full and can not allocate space for continuing new method call.

9) Recursion usually stops when the Java Runtime encounters an IF or ELSE statement with a RETURN statement. State TRUE or FALSE.



C) -

D) -

Answer [=]  B

Explanation: True

10) Attempting to call a method recursively without a proper RETURN statement leads to ___.

A) Stack Overflow errors

B) Buffer Overflow errors

C) Compile-time errors


Answer [=]  A

Explanation:  Without a proper RETURN statement, the runtime calls the same method again and again for infinite times and causes memory issues.

11) A Java program with recursion can be completed with few lines of code when compared to using Loops. State TRUE or FALSE.



C) -

D) -

Answer [=]  B

Explanation:  Recursion makes a program small. So, the output class file will be less in size.

12) It is difficult to write a program with recursion than using multiple loops. State TRUE or FALSE.



C) -

D) -

Answer [=]  B

Explanation: Yes. Recursion is a bit tricky. If wrongly programmed, the recursive method will be executed an infinite number of times causing Stack Overflow errors.

13) What is the output of the below Java program with recursion?

public class RecursionTesting


static int num=4;

public static void main(String[] args)


new RecursionTesting().recursiveMethod();


void recursiveMethod()



if(num == 0)


System.out.print(num + " ");




A) 4 3 2 1

B) 3 2 1

C) 3 2 1 0

D) Compiler error

Answer [=]  B

Explanation: Note that this recursive method does not return anything. It simply does the printing of some values.

14) A Recursive method does not need to return a value always. State TRUE or FALSE.



C) -

D) -

Answer [=]  A

Explanation:  TRUE.

15) What is the output of the below Java program with Recursion?

public class RecursionTest2


public static void main(String[] args)


RecursionTest2 rt2 = new RecursionTest2();

int sum = rt2.summer(4);



int summer(int in)


int sum = 0;

if(in ==0)

return 0;

sum = in + summer(--in);

return sum;



A) 10

B) 6

C) 0

D) Infinite loop

Answer [=]   A

Explanation:  10

IN 4

IN 3

IN 2

IN 1

IN 0


16) What is the output of the below Java program with Recursion?

public class RecursionTest3


public static void main(String[] args)


RecursionTest3 rt3 = new RecursionTest3();

int multiplication = rt3.multiplier(4);



int multiplier(int in)


System.out.println("IN " + in);

int mul = 0;

if(in ==0)

return 1;

mul= in * multiplier(--in);

return mul;



A) 24

B) 6

C) 0

D) Infinite loop

Answer [=]  A



IN 4

IN 3

IN 2

IN 1

IN 0


17) To end a recursive method a RETURN statement is usually kept inside ___.

A) IF block

B) ELSE block

C) IF or ELSE block

D) None

Answer [=] C

Explanation:  A proper RETURN statement ends the recursion process when kept inside a conditional IF or ELSE block.

18) In most of the scenarios, a recursive method returns ____.

A) void

B) Some value or object

C) -

D) -

Answer [=]  B

Explanation:  A VOID-Recursive method is useful only for printing or logging data in general.

19) What is the maximum number of levels in a Recursion?

A) 8

B) 16

C) 32

D) No limit

Answer [=]  D

Explanation:  There is no limit. The limit actually depends on the size of Stack Memory. If you process a large amount of data, it may lead to a Stack Overflow error.

20) Which is bigger in size Stack Memory or Heap Memory?

A) Stack Memory

B) Heap Memory

C) -

D) -

Answer [=]  B

Explanation:  Heap memory can store tens of thousands of objects. Stack memory is relatively small or limited.

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